Daylight Saving Time 2023

Posted on: March 10, 2023

I wanted to take a moment to remind you that Daylight Saving Time will begin on Sunday, March 13th. We're springing forward by one hour. Remember to adjust your clocks and enjoy the extra hour of daylight in the evening. Let's make the most of this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoors here in Santa Barbara and spend time with our family and friends. Below is a brief history of Daylight Saving Time for your enjoyment.



Daylight Saving Time, also known as "Summer Time" in some countries, is a practice of adjusting the clock to make better use of daylight during the longer days of summer. The idea of Daylight Saving Time has been around for over a century, and it has a fascinating history in the United States.

The concept of Daylight Saving Time was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, but it wasn't until 1916 that it became a reality. During World War I, Germany was the first country to implement Daylight Saving Time as a way to conserve coal during the war effort. The United States followed suit and introduced Daylight Saving Time in 1918.

However, Daylight Saving Time was not universally popular in the United States. It was initially implemented as a wartime measure, and many Americans found the concept confusing and inconvenient. As a result, Daylight Saving Time was abolished after World War I, and it was up to individual states and cities to decide whether or not to adopt it.

This led to a patchwork of different time zones and confusion across the country. For example, in some parts of Indiana, people used to set their clocks ahead one hour, while in other parts, they didn't. This confusion was partially solved in 1966 when the Uniform Time Act was passed. This law established a standardized system of Daylight Saving Time across the country, with the exception of Hawaii and most of Arizona.

Since then, Daylight Saving Time has undergone several changes. In 1974, during the energy crisis, Daylight Saving Time was extended to 10 months, from January to October. In 2007, the start of Daylight Saving Time was moved up by a month to the second Sunday in March, and the end was moved back by a week to the first Sunday in November.

Today, Daylight Saving Time remains a contentious issue in the United States. While some people enjoy the longer evenings and the energy savings, others dislike the disruption to their sleep schedule and the potential for confusion. Some states have even passed laws to opt-out of Daylight Saving Time, while others have passed laws to make it permanent.

In conclusion, the history of Daylight Saving Time in the United States is a fascinating one. From its origins as a wartime measure to its current status as a controversial policy, Daylight Saving Time has undergone many changes over the years. Whatever your opinion on Daylight Saving Time may be, it remains an important part of our country's history and a reminder of the ongoing debate over how to best use our resources and time.


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